October 1st is a date that holds personal significance to me. On October 1st, 2002 I started working at a 24 hour CVS located on Charles Street directly across from the Charles St./MGH (Mass General Hospital) Red Line MBTA station. I was working with the overnight crew stocking up the store, ringing up customers, stopping shoplifters and keeping vagrants out of the establishment. I, of course, did that job and way more to the point where I kept getting promotion after promotion and raise after raise. It got to the point where I blinked and I realized that I was almost 30, an assistant manager that worked ridiculous hours. The next step was taking salary, wearing a tie and getting fast tracked into managing my own store. That's not me. On July 1st, I gave my bosses at CVS (moreso my staff who were like family to me) my three month's notice. My final day working there? October 1st, 2005.

The reason why I mention this is because on January 1st, 2010 I'll be making my final post on Poisonous Paragraphs. Three months from now. I'm lucky enough that in the 33 months this blog's been in operation that I've managed to not sell out or compromise my vision in any way, shape or form. I laid out what the fuck this blog was going to be in the header description I wrote back in 2007 and I've managed to stick to it. There isn't a person, place, thing, artist, album, project or sentiment that I've posted on here that I don't stand by. There are a few blogs here and there that I rushed out but it's a hazard of the job. There's far more blogs I edited for size but that was the right call. I was on some "Finding Forrester" shit with those entries.

In conclusion, I'm going to spend the last three months of this blog's existence doing what I always did the same way I've always done it. Why change now? I'm just letting all of you that read this blog know what's about to go down far in advance. I can only post 5 blogs a week for so long before you realize it's time to pursue other avenues. I'll continue to write and I will blog but just not here anymore. When things are made more clear I'll let you all know.
Sorry to hear this Dart, the blog's been dope! Much respect.
I'll miss the blog, but I fully understand the concept of growth and remaining true to oneself as well... And definite kudos to that!
Man... props on all the work you put in tho', homie. Been followin' since AllHipHop, and on MySpace and on this spot here. Big respect!
Aw man, more bad news, but I can't say I blame you. I'll be reading wherever else your writing lands. It's been a great run on Poisonous Paragraphs.
Good luck on all your future endeavors! I will definitely miss the site.
big up your chest. i respect the move, and hope to read your ish wherever it ends up.
Much respect, Dart. I look forward to whatever you have in store next.
"What's New in Dart's Ipod" = best & most thorough review of new hip hop albums.
I hope you continue to do "Dart's Ipod" in some form on some blog. If it ain't weekly, than at least monthly.
Best luck in your work & blog writing.
wow, sad in a way, because if there was one blog I was checking for on the regular it yours, than I´m hoping your moving on to new, bigger and better things, and I guess you´ll be aroung in one way or the other!
I knew it couldn't last forever, but I'll still miss this blog. Best of luck with all of your future endeavors: I'm sure we'll all still be seeing your name in print somehow.
At least you're moving on & not quitting!
Shhhhhhhhieeet. First Eric now Dart....damn! At least we still have Travis.
Love the blog and pray you change your mind.
Just why, But I guess we all have to move forward sometime but WHY (starts to say nonsenical crying gibberish as he needs to be console)???!!!!
Also, Ssad to know that the Magic is gone (I miss Mr. Magic - Nas (Me Too, Me Too))
oh, man. this is bad news. but wherever you go, i'll for sure read.
Damn, really?
Well, good luck with what you have in store. Keep us updated on where your going.
How am I going to know what to put in my netflix queue now?
Hey man,
I dig your blog. Good shit. Nice to see someone who appreciates real HIPHOP as well as comics. You should hit me up so we can connect. I am the illustrator of the official PUBLIC ENEMY comic book series and I am also an emcee. Check my work at http://www.myspace.com/officialillusmusic
and new videos at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdaruyHHJBk
It's gonna be sad seeing you go.
You were one of the first bloggers I actually gave a shit about. I loved reading your opinions on everything. The insightful stories and even the history on you. You are one of the coolest bloggers I've admired too. I appreciate the love you gave on my DeviantArt blog concerning biters. That shit made me smile for sure.
Needless to say...
I'm gonna miss you man.
I hope everything else you do is awesome. I hope you get as much success as possible in your work.
Much love and nothin' but respect,
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