I decided that today’s blog should be of a personal nature therefore I decided to vent my frustrations with three of my favorite people on the planet as well as some of my biggest personal influences. Those three people are as follows: Scoop Jackson, Jack Nicholson and Spike Lee. I’d like to send a heartfelt “Fuck you!” out to the three of them. Rest assured, I’ll explain why they each deserve it in the blog below. Let’s get it in:

Scoop Jackson is one of the most influential witers of the past twenty years and at one poin t he was widely regarded as the most powerful Black sportswriter in America. Scoop has also written several articles for some of the most reputable publications and periodicals. He’s also written pieces for The Source, Vibe and XXL over the years.

Scoop Jackson is best known for his contributions to the basketball magazine Slam between the years of 1995-2005. In that time, he completely set the aesthetic for that magazine as well as several other basketball related publications that followed like Bounce and Dime.

Scoop Jackson pushed for players that didn’t get pub in other mainstream publications and helped open the floodgates for people to cover the broad spectrum of basketball stories from streetball to minor leagues to international players all the way to the pros.
Scoop was always ahead of the curve, he was writing about Allen Iverson, Kevin Garnett, Ronnie Fields, Kobe Bryant, Stephon Marbury and several other players before they even declared for the NBA Draft. He knows the game inside and out and he also brings a different point of view that the overwhelming majority of sportswriters miss the boat on in regards to sports and the perception of the athletes who play it.

That being the case, why am I so heated with Scoop Jackson? Because even though Scoop knows basketball inside and out he still believes that it’s somewhat shocking that the Boston Celtics are up 2-0 on the Los Angeles Lakers.

Forget that the Celtics are the better defensive team, the better rebounding team, have more great players, have had series’ that would prepare them more for the Finals push and they have favorable matchups at most positions as well as home court advantage. Scoop Jackson picked the Lakers because of the combined experience and greatness of Kobe Bryant and Phil Jackson plus the ease with which the Lakers have dispatched their previous opponents. That’s it. That's his reasoning. Are you fuckin’ kidding me, Scoop?

I take it that Scoop isn’t familiar with the 1977 or 2004 NBA Finals where the team that played together and played better team defense beat the favored glamorous team. I’m pissed off because his unabashed Kobe love and his blindness due to Phil Jackson having lead his hometown Chicago Bulls six championships in the past has kept him from seeing the obvious. The Celtics are playing the game the way it’s supposed to be played and they should be seen as the obvious favorite in these NBA Finals. Let ‘em all eat crow at the end, I say. Fuck ‘em. Fuck 'em all.

Jack Nicholson is regarding by most as one of the greatest actors of all times. However, when this fossilized asshole came to my hometown to film “The Departed”, a film that paints Boston as a less than friendly place for Black folks that incidentally won an Academy Award for Best Picture (Thanks Scorcese!) he had quite an odd request for anyone that showed up on the set or worked on the film. They weren’t allowed to wear any Boston Celtics hats or jerseys. Oh word?

Fuck you, Jack! How are you going to come to my hometown and tell people that live there what they can and cannot do. Luckily for Jack (and Martin Scorsese) they never filmed in Roxbury, South End, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan or any other area in Boston where he would’ve been met with certain middle fingers and hostility with that insane request.

I can’t think of anyone with a sane mind who would come into Boston as an absolute outsider and ask a three throwing self respecting life long Bostonian to NOT wear Celtics (or Red Sox) gear in their own hometown. At least, no one that likes walking or breathing without some type of difficulty (yes, it’s THAT serious).

Spike Lee is one of my biggest personal influences. I saw his debut film “She’s Gotta Have It” on VHS back in the day and I also read his book about how he made it and all of the things that went along with it’s creation and distribution. Several of Spike Lee’s films are among my all time favorites. I even liked “She Hate Me”! Spike Lee was one of the directors that made me want to get involved with film making at an early age.

With all that said, Spike Lee hates Boston with a passion. He hates the Celtics (for questionable reasons). He hates my city because it’s “racist” (Spike, you live in NEW YORK!). He loves Nike (we Bostonians ride or die with Adidas) and on top of that, he is also a Kobe dickrider. Spike Lee is currently following Kobe Bryant around with a camera crew in hopes of capturing Kobe Bryant’s career defining moment as he wins an NBA championship on his “own”. Just one problem...the Boston Celtics stand in his way.

I hope that the Boston Celtics can close out the Lakers and not only beat LA but fuck up the end of Spike’s passion project. As far as Spike’s beef with Clint Eastwood, I totally agree because Black soldiers had a major impact on the Pacific Theater and it was bullshit that they we nowhere to be found in the film. I just hate that Spike hates my hometown. Every time you disrespect Boston, you disrespect me. You should know by now that I don’t go for that.
Go Celtics!

Ubuntu! © Boston Celtics
DAMN!!!! (in Chris TuCKER Friday Voice). I am objective when it comes to these Finals, but it is clear to see that Boston is playing like a team, while the Lakers *minus KOBE* have gone AWOL. Gasol shows no heart (heard they were selling jerseys that had Ga-Soft (I SH*T you not) and Odom plays like Rudolph in headlights. I just don't know how the Lakers can pull this one out (they need to win all their games in LA (yeah it's that bad). Oh well, seems the media still loves LA and eventually the truth will come to light (see what I did there), so...
Until Til The Next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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