Dart's Take: This looks like my kinda flick. Another subversive off the wall joint from the Coen Brothers (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, No Country For Old Men). Great cast with Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Frances McDormand and Tilda Swinton all involved. This one's gonna be a wait as well, hopefully it doesn't get pushed back. I'm on board.

Dart's Take: This is a British film that the Weinstein Company decided to release in North America. John Crowley directs an adaptation of the popular Johnathan Trigell novel and it looks like they did a brilliant job. I have the feeling I won't see this until it's available for DVD but I do want to see it. You can never see enough well written and well acted dramas in this day and age.

Dart's Take: Rob Cohen decides to leave Africa alone and give the Chinese a change to be exploited. The first two films of the Mummy series really rubbed me the wrong way as I'm not feeling the whole "Tarzan Syndrome" vibe that I got from them. Now, they have Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh in the flick and a whole bunch of CGI effects thrown it. I commend Rachel Weisz for having the good sense to bounce and leave the role to Maria Bello. I bet you the next flick Weisz is in won't suck. I'll probably see this but I doubt it'll be in the theaters.
Dart's Take: I want to see this flick yesterday. Fellow Bostonian Clark Gregg adapted this Chuck Palahniuk novel and directed it. It was the talk of Sundance and I've been hearing about it for the last six months. Sam Rockwell is the man and he's been in a lot of my favorite movies in the past. Consider this seen!

Dart's Take: Bruce Burgess has been receiving nonstop death threats since he started production on this project. The Catholic Church and The Vatican are not happy with him at all. I'm probably going to see this though either Netflix or Redbox in a couple of months.

Dart's Take: Austin Chick (XX/XY) directed this tale scripted by Howard A. Roman, the man behind this summer's controversial film "Savage Grace" pens a tale about a young man who is the CEO of an online company called Landshark. He has one month people his dotcom bubble pops and he sets out to save his company and all of his employees. I'll wait for the DVD to drop because I'm just not all that interested.

Dart's Take: This film is an adaptation of the Jeanne Duprau book of the same name. I won't be seeing this unless my nephew wants to see this at the movies and I'm commissioned to take him along. I'll probably end up buying the DVD for one of the kids anyways. October is a long way off so it'll be 2009 when the DVD drops.

Dart's Take: I'm curious to see this one for some reason. It feels like it could end up one of the cult movies like "In America" or "The Nines". I'll probably catch it somewhere shortly after it's released because it can go either way. Mark Pellington (Arlington Road, The Mothman Prophecies) directed this Alberto Torres penned tale of a down and out bachelor that is thrust into a peculiar situation with his neighbors regarding an image on the side of his home that resembles the face of Jesus.

Dart's Take: Fernando Meirelles (City Of God, The Constant Gardener) has my undivided attention. Anytime he makes a movie I'm checkin' for it. This adaptation of the Jose Saramago novel seems like it's going to be ill. I'll have to wait on it but after sitting through that shit sandwich called "The Happening" I think I can make it.

Dart's Take: Alex Gibney (Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, Taxi To The Darkside) is one of the foremost documentary filmmakers in the game and this subject is near and dear to my heart. Hunter S. Thompson is one of my personal influences writing wise (I don't fuck with guns or drugs, though) and he changed the journalism field forever. I will see this film by any means necessary (You figure it out!).
I'll be back with "A Tale Of Ten Trailers 8" on July 20th, 2008. Hopefully, I'll have the whole laptop situation handled by then.
Burn Upon Reading looks fantastic. In fact, I haven't been so hyped over a trailer since that first Dark Knight one.
Choke looks nice too.
OH MY GOD!!! They're finally making "Choke" a movie! I'm so happy they didn't adapt "Invisible Monsters." This is the perfect news today after hearing George Carlin passed away. Good lookin, Dart.
"City of God" is easily a top ten film of all time, and "The Constant Gardener" was also pretty awesome, albeit for a completely different reason. However, I'm hesitant for "Blindness", but will probably end up watching it anyway, since Julianne Moore is hot.
Also looking forward to "Choke" and "Burn After Reading". I'll be standing in line to watch the Mummy threequel at the same time that Lil Wayne somehow commands my undivided attention with his seminar regarding his theory of quantum physics in relation to book fairs.
Also, "The Mothman Prophecies" was unexpectedly creepy for a PG-13 suspense flick: very much recommended as well.
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