With that being said, I hope that all of these CGI heavy big budget films are well made/marketed well enough that I’ll be able to get the movies I really wanna see badly (check all of the trailers of the past 5 Dartflix entries) end up released on DVD less than 3 months from now. Movies like Cite De Soleil, Mand Bala, Lions For Lambs, The Nines and many others will no doubt be talked about for a long time to come. Every year has another Napolean Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine, Full Nelson or City Of God that comes out of nowhere and takes people by surprise. I can't wait to see which flicks make noise this Fall. Let’s peep some trailers.
Apple Film Trailers Of The Ides Of September (9.1.07-9.15.07)
Manda Bala (Send A Bullet)
In The Valley Of Elah
Reservation Road
The Dark Knight
Imdb Film Trailers Of The Ides Of September (9.1.07-9.15.07)
The Good Night
The Brave One
The Darjeeling Limited
Saw IV
Here’s a list of movies I recommend for rental through Netflix:
The Hip Hop Project
Even Money
Brooklyn Rules
The Ten
Civic Duty
The Prisoner Or How I Planned To Kill Tony Blair
Upright Citizen Brigade (series)
Respect Yourself: The Stax Story
Stax/Volt Revue: Live In Norway (1967)
Rise: Blood Hunter
The Invisible
First Snow
Shoot ‘Em Up
The Nines
3:10 To Yuma
Knocked Up
The Bronx Is Burning (series)
Bug (Special Edition)
Ergo Proxy (anime)
Bleach (anime)
Blood (anime)
Guyver (anime)
Robotech (anime)
Voltron: Defender Of The Universe (anime)
The TV Set
Cujo (25th Anniversary Edition)
Caligula (Imperial Edition)
Wall Street (20th Anniversay Edition)
Commando (Director’s Cut)
The Last Starfighter
The Catherine Tate Show (BBC series)
Babel (Special Collector’s Edition)
The Sarah Silverman Program (series)
Blade-House Of Chthon
Beef 4: Beef Ain’t Dead
The Camden 28
Face/Off (Special Collector’s Edition)
The Boys & Girls Guide To Getting Down
What the future holds for cartoon/comic book movies:



Southland Tales

Namor The Sub Mariner

Dart’s Picks:
Shoot ‘Em Up- Another amazing action flick produced in America...last time I saw a flick like this everyone in it was Korean and there were yellow subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
War- Jet Li and Jason Statham in the same flick? Say word!
3:10 To Yuma- What’s not to like? Russell Crowe stays winning...I thought you knew?
The Nines- This looks like my kind of flick right here. Bugged the fuck out on some Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind steez.
The Bourne Ultimatum- Shaky cam action flicks make it to America...’bout damn time!
Dart’s WTF?/Watch This Bullshit At Your Own Risk Award:
Delta Farce-Don’t ask don’t tell is right.
The Condemned-I liked it better the first time I saw it when it was called “Battle Royale” and “No Escape”.
Alexander Revisited-The Final Cut-No cut of this movie is going to make it more watchable (unless it’s more of a naked Rosario Dawson). Word to “Medellin”.
1 comment:
word battle royle was the ish. Part 2 wasn't as good as the first one, but it was ok. If anybody hasn't seen it run don't walk and go get that ish!!
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