I got my extraction, I was on 3 hours of sleep, I was already sick and I walked back home in the snow. I was SICK AS FUCK when I got home...not just really sick. I mean "28 Days Later" sick. I couldn't think. Everything hurt. Constant cough. Chest congested. Head congested. Trouble walking and keeping balance. Your eyes water when you try to focus on words. My hands were sore. I couldn't eat food without throwing it up for days...and my stomach didn't hurt AT ALL. After 4 straight days things going from horrible to OK back to Outbreak level I went to another hospital. I found out exactly what was wrong with me after talking to a team of doctors for hours.
My dumbass has gone hard doing this blog daily since January 2007, I wrote nonstop and I often sacrificed sleep, and healthier life choices in favor of writing some crazy blog or some huge event/project that I busted my ass to bring to fruition. The last three months I'd really been burning the candle at both ends. Both my niece and nephew had come down with serious viruses about 10 days within each other from their respective schools. We'd caught coughs from 'em but they both ended up being taken to the hospital. They had the Children's version of the URI Virus (Upper Respiratory Illness). After a week or 10 days you may have a lingering cough but nothing like you did before.
My dumbass got hit hard due to the fact I was trying to kill myself to finish March big on Poisonous Paragraphs. I compromised my immune system by not eating right, not getting proper rest, etc. so when I hit that waiting room that Monday morning @ 6:30 AM fresh out of the rain that later turned to the snow I walked home in I had written my own death warrant damn near. According to my doctors the normal duration for URI Adult Virus is between 7-14 days...for me it could potentially take between 3-6 WEEKS. This is why the Hamiltonization Process may not be a good idea, kids!
I don't know when I'll be back. I can manage to Tweet even if I feel like shit but I cannot plan out posts and write 'em like used to..at least not yet anyways. I did it to myself, I guess. I gotta sanitize, clean, wash whatever I can so I don't get hit with this virus again. My mom just got it yesterday...BAD. You know from where? Same place I got it. The fuckin' hospital! My doctor told me that it took her 6 weeks to fully get over her URI Adult Virus because of patients constantly hitting her with it again and again. I hope this shit goes away soon and the Spring hurries up and gets here so I don't have to worry about avoiding possible reinfection and feeling like I'm about to die again.
u.s health facilities...3rd world
You're not allowed to die. Who else would I talk to that would enjoy my stories as much as you?
damn Dart, I hope you get better soon and remember man your health and family are the most important things b, the blog thing can be done again when you are better, you have my sympathy friend.
You HAVE to get back up on your feet! How am I going to know what to throw up onto my netflix queue with you out of the game?
yeah take it easy dude... see u on the flipside
Good luck Dart, I know how bad that virus shit can be. Hope to see you in fighting form soon.
damn Dart, get well soon. Don't worry about blogging until you recover, mayne!
Get well soon - the internet needs you.
If you leave it, they will not come (educated, at least)
i never posted before but i hope you feel better soon. i check this shit regularly to see what's new and dope. take care of yourself.
Get better, fam.
Hurry up and get better! (Also I'm going to rub in that the Bulls beat the Celtics last night. I know, it'll probably never happen again, but still...)
My condolences, get well soon.
It's okay to fall back for a few posts if you're getting sick. Feel better, Dart.
fam get some rest...ya health comes first before this man just lay up for a minute and chill..be easy and get well soon
Feel better Sir Adams !!
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