Due to my multiple duties trying to pursue this hip hop writing career as well as writing screenplays, mentoring other writers and simultaneously helping Hellsenda Productions shop their beats and trying to shop my own film ideas I'm being spread a little thin. Since all of the above things actually equal to physical income that allows me to pay my bills they end up getting priority over this blog. I usually update this blog about 4 or 5 times a week with original stuff I wrote THAT DAY or the previous night and since I don't have that kind of prep time to dedicate to the blog I can't update it with new material. Keep in mind that I have a list of my next 15-20 blogs already written down...I just haven't been able to sit down and write them yet (I had to carve out time just to post this so no one thinks I just up and quit).
As it says in the header, I am a graphomaniac. I'm constantly writing and/or thinking about subjects to write about or adapt and sell so I can get my foot in the door in some field or another. As much as I feel that commerce in the end suffocates art and ends up diluting it, I cannot deny that money is necessary for me to not only continue living but I need it just to allow to pursue my dream. It's a big ass Catch 22 because I had some ill blogs I was gonna write this week, but if I can get a beat sold that leads to cash in Buc's pocket or get a job that leads to me receiving a physical check it will go farther than me receiving 3 comments for something I spent 4 hours writing (no diss to the readers, but I ain't gonna lie).

I hope that the pursuing of your dreams proves worthwhile - good luck man. Your blog has been an inspiration to me, and I aspire to hold as much knowledge on hip hop culture as you do. Go for it: you deserved to get paid. Let me know when you are back in the game.
Much love,
I feel you Dart. I've been there many a time. If only blogging actually paid money. Your blog has become one of the best on the Internets and a brief hiatus won't change a thing. Chase that paper, we'll be here when you get back.
Good luck.
thanks for all the great posts. just another reader that enjoyed all your writing but never really commented.
was looking forward to your transformers review : )
Thanks for the great recommendations for NetFlix. I got some of your picks coming in the mail this month.
BTW You can't honestly think the Ray Allen deal was a great move for the C's. I'm a Sixers fan and I will concede that Boston will probably win the Atlantic, but 3 years down the line they're screwed. Ainge should've never catered to Paul Pierce's bitching and moaning.
Yo Dart, ill_chemist reporting in. Do your thing with trying to get more income. You're so right about it being a catch 22. In the end, you gotta be able to eat, hell you gotta be able to live, so that's that. I do enjoy reading your blogs and I'll catch up on them when you return. Peace.
good luck dart. let us know when you get published or sign a deal.
get yours, homie. handle that. stay up!!
One of the best Blogs i ever came across. I especially enjoyed that it was focused on writing. The NES Special was ill. I also enjoyed the Story about the EDO G Song.
BOSTON took it...
...and of course continue the Blog whenever Time is available...
Dart - I'm surprised you find the time to sleep. Take as much time as you need... we'll still be here when you return!
Got ya link'd at the new site. Peace
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